Friday, October 1, 2010

"The Death and suffering of Anne Frank"

Anne Frank is a girl born in Frankfurt, Germany. Her religion is Jewish but they has a rival and that is Nazis. Nazis is the one who discriminate the Jewish people. Thats why Anne and her family is forced to moved to Amsterdam in Holland where Anne started a new life but in there case that they has a rival of course there is battle among there religion. In that specific time Jewish peoples are being discriminate by Nazis. So Otto think where he and his family can hide so they will be not discriminated by Jewish. They live in an secret room in where it was being hide by a bookshelf but there is a spy who told the Nazis of all about Jewish peoples who is still not separated. They are being catch by Nazis. That is the time for the start of Anne and her family being discriminated.

If i were Anne Frank I will do my best to survive for my family, to my family and for the people who trust me. If I was in that death camp without food and lack of water I will pray to God to give me strength to survive this hell like place so i can live until the Nazis will freed us. Or I will pretend to suicide so I can't feel the pain of being discriminated and having lack of food and water.

"The Discrimination of Nazis against the Jewish"

Discrimination is a sociologifical term referring to the treatment taken toward or against a person of a certain group in consideration based solely on class or category. Punish is an other word for discrimination. An example of discrimination is how Nazis punish Jewish people.

In film Anne Frank Nazis are very war freak. That they can kill many people even children. They punish the Jewish by shaving the hair of Jewish, giving the responsibilities of men to women and when they transfer the Jewish peoples into a death camp in where there are many old women, teens and children died because of hunger, lack of water and diseases.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Philosophies .vs. Christianity
Chinese Philosophies consist of 5 philosophies it is the Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, Buddhism and Mohism. Confucianism is from the teachings of Kung Fu Tze or also known as Confucius it includes that human beings are teachable, improvable, and perfectible through personal including self-cultivation and self-creation. Taoism is from the teachings of Lao Zi or also known as Lao-Tse who is a person who followed the popularity of Confucius and it emphasizes themes such as naturalness, vitality, peace, emptiness, detachment, flexibility, receptiveness, and spontaneity. Legalism is was the name given to the school of practical theory that became popular during the later years of the Zhou dynasty, it postulates that humans are evil and need to be controlled using laws in order to prevent chaos and it focuses on strengthening the political power of the ruler. Buddhism is from the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama also known as Buddha and it emphasizes that each person must reach ultimate fulfillment of individual effort but he also recognized the value of a group of people striving for the same goal. Mohism is base from the teachings of Mozi or also known as Mo Tzu that was being developed by Mozi's followers and its concept is "impartial care" or "universal love". Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and it emphasizes that Jesus is the Son of God, God having become man and the savior of humanity. Comparing The Chinese Philosophies and Christianity, Chinese Philosophies more focuses at politics compare to Christianity it only focuses on their faith with God and Jesus Christ and Chinese Philosophies believe with many gods while compare to Christianity it only has one God.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Teachings of Taoism

The teachings of Taoism are Taoism teach that Tao is the force that existed before all other things. Tao literally means "the way".Taoism teach that a person should leave things alone and let nature take its course through wu wei or "not doing". Taoism teach a person should not try an manipulate other's thoughts but instead they should be allowed to find their own way based on their faith. Taoism are encouraged to take care of their physical health and longevity so that they can be in harmony with Tao nothing else but only Tao.

Teachings of Confucianism

The teachings of Confucianism stress the importance of education for moral development of the individual for the reason that the state can be governed by moral virtue rather than by the use of coercive laws. Also it taught that Confucians should live their according to that 5 virtues. The Five Virtues include; bevolence and humanity,
honesty and uprightedness, knowledge, faithfulness and integrity, and correct behavior. These five virtues created a basis in which each discipline had to try and live his/her lives accordingly in order to live a healthy and wealthy life.

Film Review


The movie starts, William Wallace is a kid, watching his father and older brother together with other nobles of Scottish leaving to attend the peace meeting with King Edward Longshanks offered to the Scottish nobles. As the other nobles together with William Wallace find out all the nobles and also with his brother were hanged before Williams father even got there, the other nobles start to prepare for a battle. When the rest of the nobles return, William finds out his father were killed. William then leaves with his uncle to be trained and raised like a true fighter. Now as an true men and also adult, William returns to the highlands and his old home to farm and raise a family. When he saw there his future wife they secretly marriage and they also have private activity. When his wife is murdered by an English lord, he quickly decides to take revenged by rallying his fellow countrymen and seizing control of the area. Until they conquered the other places that English men conquered. It doesn't stop until then, as other clans come to join him ridding Scotland of their tyrant.When son of King Edward Longshanks send an army to dispense the rebels, William and his men are already ready joined with the Scottish nobles and has a swift and clean victory. Now that William has defeated the English on his own ground, he will invade theirs but Scottish men are still flocking to him in an attempt to get at the English, and so he attacks the city of York. Meanwhile Longshanks is in France trying to broaden his empire that will someday be his son's, if he is fit for it or not. When Longshanks returns, only to find out that York has been conquered and his nephews head sent as a present, does he realize that William Wallace is a real problem. In the heat of battle to English men, as William is signaling to the nobles for support, they turn their backs on him due to Longshanks had paid them off with gold and land, with the expense of the massacre of the rest of Williams men. William is being hit by arrow his bravery burst and think to finish the job himself. As William is in pursuit of Longshanks, to finish the job himself, a different rider turns back to stop him. Only when William has the knife on the mans neck does he realize who he is, Robert The Bruce, King of Scotland that promise to help too. Who has betrayed William with the other nobles. Later, after William recovered from his arrow wound and the even deeper wound of betrayal, does he decide to act. If the nobles will not tally and protect their own countrymen then William will kill them one by one. When Robert The Bruce asks for a meeting with William, it's the only chance he has to get the nobles to rally with him again. Unfortunately their is still traitor who betrayed him and Robert The Bruce, and handed William over to King Edward Longshanks. William is trialed and is sentenced to death for treason. Only after he is quartered and his limbs sent to the four corners of England, the King of Scotland, Robert The Bruce decides to act. Shortly after, the Scottish finally gain their freedom from England. And all remember the one who made it possible, William Wallace.

Personal Documentations:


William Wallace (old) played by Mel Gibson and William Wallace (young) played by
James Robinson

William Wallace begins as a simple peasant. His life consists of work and his love Murron. When an English commander rapes and kills Murron after their marriage he is filled with anger. Wallace kills off an entire force of English soldiers stationed near his village all by himself. He then becomes a champion for Scottish independence from the Britts. He leads battles from the front and motivates his men with fear that a life of shame is worse than death itself. As with many heroes Wallace only becomes a hero when his life was empty and he was sad. Happiness does not lead people to revolt. Wallace is betrayed and executed with the King of England looking on from his deathbed. Wallace defeats archers and cavalry with farm weapons, wooden stakes, and bravery alone. He impreganates the future Queen of England and dies with dignity inspite of tortures levied against him.

Murron (old) played by Catherine McCormack and Murron (young) played
by Mhairi Calvey

Muron is William Wallace's lifetime wife. Starting as simple friends their friendship grow up to love when each of them became older.
Wallace marries Murron but an English law that allowed English soldiers to have first sexual rights with Scottish newlywed women to all Scottish have blood of English requires Murron to have sex with an evil English commander.

Malcom Wallace played by Sean Lawlor

This is William Wallace's father, before his death he taught his son
about the virtues of freedom and honor.

Robert The Bruce p
layed by Angus MacFadyen

Robert The Bruce is the man that would become King of Scotland. Robert tried to help William Wallace and serv
ed as the political muscle to get things going for Wallace's cause against the British. Robert The Bruce continue the broken freedom of William Wallace for Scottish peoples.

Princess Isabelle played by Sophie Marceau

The Princess is
in an arranged marriage with Prince Edward; she is to be the future Queen of England. She falls in love with William Wallace when she finds him more a man of goodness than savagery. Wallace impregnates her and this remains a secret told only to the King of England before his last breath.

Longshanks - King Edwar
d I played by Patrick McGoohan

When William Wallace begins his revolt against English rule he sends Princess Isabelle to try make him believe that some sort of peace can be worked out. Before his last breath he just know that the baby that Princess Isabelle carries is not from his son Edward either from William Wallace.

Prince Edward by Peter Hanly

This "prince" is the heir to the thrones of England. He is still the wimpiest future king you can ever seen.

Hamish Campbell played by Brendan Gleeson

This guy is just one of William Wallace's trusted men. But he has the look of a truly serious warrior that the only weapon is base by what is the weapon he use

Significant of "Braveheart" to the present society:

Like Scottish peoples we leaving in present society is under the corrupt and self-centered government
. The life of Scottish before William Wallace revenge they are letting the English men to control there lives compare to us in present society, we are letting the corrupt government to control our lives and our actions. In first they are being betrayed by King Edward I of England and being killed either to give them peaceful life, compare to us, we are like being killed at the back of our government when our government is saying that we are going to have peaceful life but when we are not in front of them they are not doing act of what they say to us peaceful life.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What Is Friend?

Friend is the dwelling of to souls into one heart . Friend is the one with you if to cheer you up and heal the wound in your heart if you have problem . Friend is someone who listens to you . Friend is someone who tells you the truth about yourself and also you as a friend of him/her you listen and appreciate it . Friend is also the one who you would break all appointments to be with . Friend is someone who arrives unexpectedly as you are going out. Friend is the one with you when you are in trouble. Friend is also who helps you when you don't the answer in your assignment. Friend is your best love ever in your heart. Friend is the one you want with all your heart to take them with you. Friend is the one you don't want to leave, no matter how much time you have spent with him/her. Friend is one of your best love, like your love with your family or God. Because friend can be also your first love, but that friend your first love will break your heart for the first time. But your friend can also be your soulmate. But your friend is just your friend, he/she cannot be your love because if you love your friend you will just hurt so badly if he/she leaves you. But your friend is your first and will last us your bodyguard until you die..... :'(((

Monday, August 2, 2010

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Stratification in Ancient Egypt
There are advantages and disadvantages for social stratification in Ancient Egypt. Social Stratification refers to the hierarchical arrangement of individuals into divisions of power and wealth within a society. The advantage of social stratification in Ancient Egypt is there treat to there peoples. Compare to other kingdom they are treating there peoples like animals if there people have mistake by whipping or guillotine. They don't know that the one who is building there kingdom is there peoples that they are treating like animals. The disadvantage of social stratification in Ancient Egypt is that they have concept of class, involving the classification of persons into groups based on shared socio-economic conditions . . . a relational set of inequalities with economic, social, political and ideological dimensions. The low class peoples can't live like the one in royal tomb that there hereditary is high. Although they treat there peoples by social class because of this social stratification is that this help them to build strong and properly their kingdom. Because there is peace by social class even though they don't equality by also social class but they are only commanded by only one in the royal tomb.
How the Caste System Evolve? is it democratic or not?

The caste system evolved from a social stratification and social restrictions to kept a sense of order, and peace among the people and for people to have their own place among each other and accept that the caste system is the way to keep society from disintegrating to chaos. I think it's not democratic because there form of government where not derived from the people, either by direct referendum or by means of elected representatives of the people. There form of government are based on hereditary or by genes and also the class of peoples are defined by thousands of endogamous hereditary groups, often termed jatis or castes. And the untouchables are being group to the lower peoples because they don't believe in castes system.